After close to a year long, very much needed and thoroughly enjoyed hiatus, My partner in crime Miss Cherry Torn and I are back in business and ready to blow your perverted little minds.
Taking the last year off from Our regular session routine to enjoy our private lives, travel the globe, pamper our furbabies, nurture new relationships and bring a gadget to life was a very, very good idea. It has however left Us absolutely bursting with carnal energy and some of Our most devious and debaucherous session ideas to date.
Now that We are both well rested We feel completely ready to get back into the action with all you willing and wanting play things.
With a new website, new playspaces and renewed minds We are taking on 2014 with a vengeance.
Welcome back US, it’s good to be home. 🙂
On that note, here are a few “behind the scenes” pics (the tits, the booze, the sass, the furbabies) prior to the last session We had with Our favorite and filthy Puppet who flew a very long way to come serve his Goddesses…